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Example Projects

Glossary Item Box

Worked Examples

Complete step-by-step guides to developing Blueprint Projects

Hello World The simplest project
FDTD Finite Difference Time Domain is a more complex project using many CDL features

Simple Applications

Projects that present a simple problem and describe the CDL solution

EggTimer A simple user programmable countdown timer
Dining Philosophers Another logical control problem - requires complex connection logic

Multi-dimensional/Irregular Concurrency Applications

These Projects present problems that require more experience/understanding of Blueprint/CDL and describe the CDL solutions

Irregular Parallelism An irregular problem
Matrix Processor A multi-dimensional problem
Fractal Generator A scalable distributed application
Variable Fidelity Torus A scalable distributed application

Advanced Projects 

These projects present more complex problems that require a deeper understanding of distributed real time programming and utilises most of the CDL features.

Congestion Charger A web based application with an interface to Google Maps
Towed Array Sonar A full passive sonar application
NetComm A Network Communications application


Most of these projects are provided in source form (see Connective Logic Website for download details);